Welcome to:

Pursuing HER Purpose! 

A podcast and community for passionate, purpose-driven women. Whether you’re a small business ownerentrepreneur, or pursuing a passion in your spare time, we’re so glad that you are here.  


 We started Pursuing HER Purpose because we see you, we ARE you.


In a day when hustle-culture is glorified, we stand firm that you don’t need to sacrifice yourself and the things that matter most to you in order to achieve your dreams. We care deeply about helping you define what that means for you and then go after it - unapologetically. We want to help you transform your business and bank account all while enjoying the ride.


Meet the Team


Meet Abby

I spent 13 years in Corporate America working in traveling sales roles. I learned to create a work life that also made sense as a wife and mother until the tug at my heart to follow purpose lead me to co-founding the HERself Podcast with Amy. I have three children and am an honest believer that we can all be in working roles that make us feel fulfilled when we hit the pillow at night. I also LOVE growth and know that failure and finding out what works for YOU and your values and your lifestyle are keys to business success. I’m currently going back to school to receive a degree in business and life coaching, and I can’t wait to support you to shift your mindset to be open to possibilities. 


Meet Amy

I’m the cofounder of Expecting and Empowered and HERself podcast. I’m a multipassionate mother of 3. After college I’ve worked as a personal trainer, nursing assistant, nurse, and now a full time entrepreneur. I’m the queen of not feeling stuck - in pursuing the things that make YOU feel alive. I’ve found the things that make me excited to wake up every morning and go to work and I want the same for ALL of you. My biggest strength is growing authentic communities of women.


Meet Kat

I’m the cofounder of TTC Society, The YES & Co., and now Pursuing HER Purpose. I’m also a wife and mother of two little girls. I started my career as a Registered Dietitian and through many twists and turns, ended up the COO of a multi million dollar online business before jumping into entrepreneurship myself. I am SO passionate about helping women understand their worth, and break stereotypes and harmful programming of what it means to be a working parent. My biggest strength is building engaged teams, digital marketing, and supporting your business from the inside out with systems and operations. 


What you can expect from us:


A weekly podcast that brings it - every single week. We KNOW that your lives are full, so we’ll support you in the most digestible way to passionately pursue YOUR purpose.  Subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts to make sure we arrive in your library every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Learn More →

Masterminds for the woman who is craving a community of people who get it, and leaders who understand the challenges of growing a business while raising little humans. This is going to be an incredible opportunity to be mentored directly from Abby, Amy and Kat in an intimate group setting. Learn more →

Online Courses for the woman who needs quick, actionable support and strategies that they can work on during their own schedule. Learn More →



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