Episode 131: BTS: Launch Debrief and Making Money 24/7


We are back with another one of our favorite kinds of episodes - behind the scenes! Today we are sharing what the month of November looked like for us. We had multiple offers going out at the same time. We launched our course on courses; Purposeful Course, had a secret, private launch going at the same time, and had our very first evergreen course bringing us sales without having to do so much leg work.

We’re not going to lie, the runway for Purposeful Course felt a little squeezed this time around. We explain how we were coming straight off of our in-person event of our mastermind and that our sales for Purposeful Course did have a slower start than we expected. But, as we always do, we share how we pivoted and what we did to still feel like we brought in a good amount of sales for this launch.

The word “evergreen” is a trending one in this industry. We have gone evergreen with one of our courses - Purposeful Podcast. Today we share what this looks like and how it doesn’t mean we have completely washed our hands of the work that has to go into these sales. There are still aspects of evergreen sales that we are very much involved in.

This year was such a great year for us in so many ways. We created incredible relationships with you - our students, held our first ever mastermind which we all loved and is here to stay, and the three of us grew closer both personally and professionally. Going into 2024 we have a much clearer vision for this business and we hope that by being a part of this community you’re feeling the same way too.

Sponsor: How to 2x Your Business with Podcasting Workshop


Episode 132: 5 Ways to Avoid Burnout This Year


Episode 130: How to Sell without Feeling Gross