Episode 6: Why Taking Care of Yourself Is Taking Care of Your Business


Most of us have been there. The “I’m too busy for self care” comments show up as an excuse during a full season. We can think we are moving our big ideas and business forward but in reality by not taking care of ourselves we are working inefficiently, not putting our best work forward, and not able to show up the way we want to. We feel stretched too thin as we become overwhelmed and start to give only our leftovers to the people we love the most. 

This is a tricky habit to get into, but the good news is it is one that can be broken.

In this episode, we dive into where this has shown up in our lives and share the stats, research, and tips that will get you in the right headspace to move yourself (and therefore your business) forward. Taking care of ourselves is a core value for all 3 of us and you’ll hear how we do it.

Meghan Lambert

Meghan Lambert is an identity and web designer living and working in Southern Maine.


Episode 7: Are You an Integrator or Visionary, it Pays to Know with Marisa Vittoria


Episode 5: The Reasons You Haven’t Hired