Episode 42: Unf*cking Your Money Mindset with Kara Loewentheil


Our money mindset and the stories we tell ourselves about money is something that needs to be talked about, because as female entrepreneurs (or anyone for that matter!) these roadblocks will hold us back in life and business. 

Today’s special guest is Kara Loewentheil, host of the UnF*ck Your Brain Podcast, and she is here to share her wisdom and expertise to help free us from the limiting beliefs and social conditioning about money that are so common today.

Even though the central theme of this episode focuses on money stories and our beliefs around money, the thoughts and self-judgments that you have in one area of your life, such as finances, are probably showing up in other areas. This is why we are so excited to bring you this episode, because it really all ties together. 

As a quick note before we dive in, this episode does contain some cursing, so please be aware of this if you have little ears around when listening! 

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Episode 43: Using Challenges to Sell and Engage


Episode 41: Behind the Scenes (BTS) - Strategies to Avoid Burnout