Episode 71: BTS - The First Two Years of the HERself Podcast Business


Today we’re doing another Behind the Scenes (BTS) episode and a deep dive like what we do with Pursuing HER Purpose, but this one is a bit different in that we’ll be looking at our first podcast, HERself Podcast. If you haven’t listened to it, that podcast is devoted to getting women one step further than they are today. We have guests like Nedra Tawwab, Dr. Becky Kennedy and Eve Rodsky, just to name a few of the amazing guests who have appeared on the show. On HERself, we don’t breeze past the tough stuff, and as hosts we often open up about mom rage, guilt, sex, body image and all the conversations that you typically only have with your closest friends. 

As we are about to launch our Purposeful Podcast Course, we thought it would be a really valuable episode to bring our experience from HERself into the spotlight, starting from the beginning, so that you can see what’s possible and to learn from our triumphs and mistakes along the way. By doing so, we want you to see if podcasting is the right fit for you and your business! 

Everything that we have talked about in this episode, and really everything that we have learned in the last three years of podcasting, is all in our Purposeful Podcast Course that is launching soon, on November 1st, 2022! In this course, you’ll get the behind the scenes look into how we strategize for our podcasts, monetize the show, and create these episodes, plus how we launch, buy the right equipment for podcasting, and more. You can join the waitlist now at http://purposefulpodcastcourse.com/, and we can’t wait to see who is a part of our next cohort!  


Episode 72: Mindset Shifts for the New Entrepreneur


Episode 70: Affiliate Marketing from the Start (and When to Say No)