Episode 93: From Time Crunched to Finding Freedom with Photography Mentor Destiny Schaefer


We have Destiny Schaefer, who is one of Abby’s business coaching clients and also a student of Purposeful Course, on the show today. The strides we have seen her make in the last year is what we hope all of our current and future students can make for themselves.

Destiny is a photographer who has gone from being so overwhelmed in her business to now living in abundance while still being able to do what she loves. Destiny shares her journey on how Purposeful Course has allowed her to scale back on the shooting side of her business and transition into more of a mentor role.

At times we can think of other women in the same field as competition. Destiny shares how she actually flipped the script on this and has paired up with another local photographer who has different strengths than her which has allowed both of them to excel. 

If you are someone who is drowning in your workload right now and are looking for a way to scale your business that doesn’t require so much of your time, you’re not going to want to miss this episode. And if you’re interested in learning more about how our course, Purposeful Course, can help you do just that make sure you get on our waitlist to be the first to hear when we will be launching the next cohort!


Episode 94: BTS - Getting Strategic with New Opportunities and Hires


Episode 92: How to Know When It’s Time to Outsource