Episode 95: Why You ARE the Expert


Have you ever said to yourself why would someone buy a course from me? Or felt like you don’t have enough training to develop a course? Well today we are diving into a topic that comes up every single week inside of our coaching calls and DMs. It has to do with being an expert or an authority in your niche. We find that oftentimes a lack of confidence kills more business ideas than anything else. 

So today we help you understand that in order to be considered an expert in your area of business you don’t have to be THE expert. You just have to be 10% ahead of your ideal customer avatar. We help you find the confidence to put yourself out there. We remind you that the pursuit of continual growth and knowledge in your field will help you realize that you don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be willing to learn.

If this episode leaves you feeling inspired and ready to create that course that has been on your mind, be sure to join our waitlist for Purposeful Course by clicking on the link below. 

Join the Purposeful Course waitlist HERE!


Episode 96: Diversifying Your Revenue Streams - Is It Time?


Episode 94: BTS - Getting Strategic with New Opportunities and Hires