Episode 90: The Power of Entrepreneurship for the Working Mother


All three of us are working moms who have multiple businesses and three children each. Yet we are all in different seasons of motherhood. This week we give you a behind the scenes check-in on where each of us is at when it comes to balancing working motherhood.

Kat is in the thick of the newborn phase with her littlest and is waking every two hours at night for feedings. Abby’s youngest has special needs that require her to be at more appointments than usual. And it has taken Amy six and a half years to get to the point where she finally doesn’t feel so much guilt with working motherhood.

No matter what season of motherhood you’re in, we know that you’ll be able to relate to one of our stories. We want to give you hope that entrepreneurship can be the light you are looking for if you are feeling burnt out as a working mom. For each of us, this entrepreneurial journey has allowed the flexibility we need in order to be the best moms we can be for our kiddos while still pursuing something we love.  


Episode 91: Strategies for Side Hustlers and Podcasters with Our Producer Krystle Frey


Episode 89: Tapping into Your True Potential with Amy Porterfield