Episode 87: How to Do Things You Hate Doing


Hey there. It’s Kat here with a solo episode for you this week. Have you ever thought about your relationship with dread? Well I’m going to get into how you can start to reframe your thoughts around doing the things you hate. 

You know that feeling where you sit on a task for way too long? Rather than diminishing the task, avoidance actually magnifies it. There are always going to be tasks you dread. In this episode I dive into what dread is and what it can feel like.

What if I told you the only difference between a “successful” person and an “unsuccessful” one was their relationship with dread? Would that make you shift your mindset? Tune in this week to hear my top strategies on how to make dread your new friend! Let’s make 2023 your best year yet!


Episode 88: Lacking Confidence? Start Here.


Episode 86: Just DO The Thing: The Episode Every Entrepreneur Needs to Hear