Episode 86: Just DO The Thing: The Episode Every Entrepreneur Needs to Hear


It’s Amy here with you this week. I’ve seen this happen so many times with our students. Life gets in the way and the momentum we have toward our business gets knocked down. Today I’m sharing strategies that will help you navigate these hard times in order to continue to pursue your dreams.

The main things I cover in this episode are the importance of resilience, how it is normal to be scared right before you release your work into the world, and that feeling of disappointment when you don’t get the initial reaction you were hoping for.

Understand that you are not the only one that might be having a tough time growing or receiving a no to something. Have compassion for yourself. Choose to keep going. Don’t let the way things perform dictate your creation of content. Finish your work and put it out there! 


Episode 87: How to Do Things You Hate Doing


Episode 85: BTS - Our First Month of 2023 Recapped