Episode 85: BTS - Our First Month of 2023 Recapped


Welcome to another Behind the Scenes (BTS) episode! We are only a few weeks into 2023 but so much has happened already with Pursuing HER Purpose. In this episode, we give you a recap of how our first Purposeful Course launch went, we give you the inside scoop on Kat’s big, exciting personal news, and we talk about what is coming up for us.

Last year we spent so much time and energy in creation mode. We launched three courses: Purposeful Business, Purposeful Podcast, and now Purposeful Course. Our vibe, energy, and motivation moving into the rest of 2023 are going to be focused on our new and past students. 

Be sure to tune into this episode to learn about some upcoming plans we have in store for you. We cannot wait to focus our strengths on growth and see where this year takes us!


Episode 86: Just DO The Thing: The Episode Every Entrepreneur Needs to Hear


Episode 84: Lara Bazelon on All Things Working Motherhood